One definition of shame is " the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc, done by oneself or another. " There are of course things that are shameful. Sin for example, is shameful. That is why one often feels shame after sinning.
Shame can also be produced by others actions upon us. It is sad, but many live in shame not because of their sin, but because of the sins committed against them.
I guess one of the most shameful things that a person can experience is pubic execution. I'm talking about a humiliating, excruciatingly painful, public execution where one is taunted, ridiculed, and physically exposed. Such an experience would definitely be called shameful. I think it would definitely make it into David Letterman's or anyone else's top ten most shameful moments of history.
Yet, in Hebrews we are told of Jesus endured such a top ten moment "scorning its shame." Yes, it was shameful, but Jesus scorned, despised, disregarded, thought little of, the shame, instead he thought of the joy.
So today let this encourage you in two ways:
One, remember that you are part of the joy for which Jesus endured the cross. If you have not submitted your life to him yet, what are you waiting for?
Two, scorn some shame today. It may not be public execution, but it may be ridicule or simple rejection. Scorn it! Then you'll be able to say with the apostle, "I am not ashamed..."