Thursday, April 7, 2011

Question Normal

It just hit me today. I put way too much stock in my own opinion. Truth is I don't have a clue what truth is. I have an internal sensor that tells me when something is right or wrong or normal. But just how trustworthy is this sensor? I'm sure professional assassins think they have a sensor they can trust, as do all kinds of other criminals and perverts.

What is normal? Really it just means average, common. ordinary. In an insane asylum normal is being insane. Normal is usually determined by the majority. Yet history has taught us that the majority can all view as normal some pretty awful things.

So this morning I asked myself, "Is there anything in my own definition of normal that is totally and completely off?" And what did myself say? Well, what could it say? How would it know?

Now you see that I lean a bit toward the philosophical and like philosophers of old I could drive myself insane (which in some circles would be normal) trying to figure out if I am normal. What am I going to do? How can I determine normality which is really another word for right or truth?

Truth is I can't. I can be sincere, yet mistaken. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). 'The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9).

What am I to do? Is there anyone out there who can help me? Is there anyone who is not encumbered by their own history and experiences and has a truly objective point of view? Yes, there is. He is God.

There are so many marvelous things about our heavenly Father but two of the things I love the most is that he always tells the truth and he knows the truth to tell it. You see, God is the only normal there is. He is the standard of all things. Boy, how people hate that. Yet, hating it does not negate it.

I love how often before speaking Jesus would say, "I tell you the truth." How comforting that is. How great to know that I can know the truth and though my own opinions my be totally off, I am not left to their mercy. I can go to him who not only knows the truth, but is the truth for all my definitions of normalcy. This is may not be average, nor ordinary, nor common, but it is right and normal.

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